Issues for a subscription

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Subscription information for Allt om mat :

The current subscription began on 2020-01-24 and is issued every 3 weeks for 9 issues

The first subscription was started on 2017-12-29

Skillingaryds bibliotek

Subscription information for Allt om mat :

The current subscription began on 2022-01-10 and is issued every 3 weeks

The first subscription was started on 2017-12-29

Hoks bibliotek

Available issues

År 2018, Vego; År 2019, vinspecial; 2022:12; 2022:13; 2022:14; 2022:15; 2022:16; 2022:17; 2022:18; 2023:1; 2023:2; 2023:3; 2023:4; 2023:5; 2023:6; 2023:7; 2023:8; 2023:9; 2023:11; 2023:12; 2023:13; 2023:14; 2023:15; 2023:16; 2023:17; 2023:18; 2024:1; 2024:2; 2024:3; 2024:4; 2024:5; 2024:6; 2024:7; 2024:8; 2024:9; 2024:10; 2024:11; 2024:12